1. ショートカットキーで時間短縮
- Ctrl + C/V:コピー&ペースト
- Ctrl + Z:元に戻す
- Ctrl + Shift + L:フィルターの適用
2. オートフィルで効率化
連続するデータの入力には、オートフィル機能が最適です。セルの右下にカーソルを合わせてドラッグするだけで、日付や数値を自動で入力できます。また、Ctrlキーを押しながらオートフィルを使えば、パターンをカスタマイズすることも可能。たとえば、「月曜、火曜」の繰り返しや、「1, 1.5, 2」のような数値の間隔を保持した入力も簡単にできます。
3. 絶対参照で計算ミスを防ぐ
4. ピボットテーブルでデータを視覚化
5. 条件付き書式で重要データを強調
6. テキスト関数でデータを整える
7. 名前付き範囲で管理しやすく
8. データ検証で入力ミスを防止
9. 一括置換で効率的に修正
Ctrl + Hを使えば、指定した文字列を一括で置換可能です。同じ修正を何度も手作業で行う手間が省け、データの一貫性も保てます。たとえば、古い商品名を新しい名前に更新する際や、特定の記号を削除する際に非常に便利です。
10. マクロで自動化

Must-Know Excel Techniques to Boost Business Productivity
Excel is an indispensable tool for daily operations, and knowing a few tips can significantly improve your workflow. Here, we present ten useful Excel techniques for business professionals.
1. Save Time with Keyboard Shortcuts
Learning key keyboard shortcuts can save you a lot of time. Here are three highly recommended ones:
- Ctrl + C/V: Copy & Paste
- Ctrl + Z: Undo
- Ctrl + Shift + L: Apply Filter
By using these shortcuts, you can minimize the need to reach for your mouse, making your workflow smoother. This is especially helpful when handling large datasets, potentially saving you several minutes of work.
2. Optimize with Autofill
For inputting sequential data, the Autofill function is a game-changer. Simply drag the cursor from the bottom-right corner of a cell to fill in numbers or dates automatically. Holding down the Ctrl key while using Autofill allows you to customize patterns, such as repeating “Monday, Tuesday” or filling increments like “1, 1.5, 2.” This eliminates repetitive tasks.
3. Avoid Calculation Errors with Absolute References
To prevent reference errors when copying formulas, use absolute references (e.g., \$A\$1). For instance, when calculating based on a fixed tax rate in a cell, this feature ensures the correct value is always referenced. Adding the \$ symbol to a formula lets you confidently copy it across multiple cells without worry.
4. Visualize Data with Pivot Tables
Pivot tables are invaluable for analyzing large datasets efficiently. Creating one is simple: select your data range and choose Pivot Table from the Insert tab. You can instantly summarize data by region, product, or any other criteria. Adding slicers allows for intuitive filtering, making it easier for anyone to interpret data.
5. Highlight Key Data with Conditional Formatting
Conditional formatting enables you to easily spot critical information in large datasets. For instance, you can set rules to highlight cells in red if sales targets are unmet or use green for the highest values. This feature allows for quicker decision-making by drawing attention to significant figures.
6. Clean Up Data with Text Functions
Text functions like TEXT, LEFT, and RIGHT make it easy to manipulate string data. For example, you can use TEXT to reformat dates from “20231201” to “2023/12/01” or LEFT to extract the first three digits of a postal code. These functions streamline organizing customer lists or sales data for better readability.
7. Simplify Management with Named Ranges
Assigning names to frequently used cell ranges is a convenient way to enhance efficiency. After selecting a range, enter a name in the Name Box, and you can reference it easily in formulas or macros. For instance, naming a range “Sales” allows you to write formulas like “SUM(Sales),” saving time and effort while improving clarity.
8. Prevent Input Errors with Data Validation
Using the Data Validation feature, you can restrict inputs to predefined criteria, such as selecting from a list or entering values within a specific range. This ensures data consistency and prevents errors, making it especially useful for maintaining accuracy in critical data-entry tasks.
9. Streamline Edits with Find and Replace
Ctrl + H allows you to replace specific text or values across a dataset quickly. This is particularly useful when updating product names, removing unwanted characters, or applying consistent formatting throughout a file. It saves you from manually making changes, ensuring uniformity.
10. Automate Tasks with Macros
If you often perform repetitive tasks, macros can automate them for you. Use Excel’s macro recording feature to capture your actions and replay them with a single click. For advanced automation, learning VBA lets you create tailored solutions, reducing hours of work to mere minutes.
By mastering these Excel techniques, you can greatly enhance your daily business operations. S&T is committed to sharing more valuable information like this in the future. Be sure to check back regularly for updates!