仕事PCで本当に使えるOSはどれか? Windows、Mac、ChromeOSを徹底比較 <Which OS is Truly the Best for Work? A Comparison of Windows, macOS, and ChromeOS>

迫るWindows 10のサポート終了、今こそOS選定のタイミング

2025年10月14日に予定されているWindows 10のサポート終了(EOS)を前に、企業のPC環境を見直す動きが加速しています。特に中小企業では、情報システム部門がないケースも多く、PCに詳しくない担当者がOSの選定や機材のリプレースを検討する必要があります。






  • Windows 11(23H2)
    Microsoftの最新OSで、最も普及しているWindowsの最新版。特に注目すべき機能は、AIアシスタント「Copilot in Windows」の搭載です。これは、PC操作の補助や情報の要約などをAIが支援する機能で、業務効率を向上させる可能性があります。
  • macOS Sonoma(14.3)
  • ChromeOS(Chrome 120)
    Googleが提供するクラウドベースの軽量OS。Webアプリの利用を前提とした設計で、低コストかつシンプルな運用が可能。Google Workspaceとの親和性が高く、業務のほとんどをブラウザベースで行う企業に向いています。




  1. 圧倒的なシェアと互換性
  2. 幅広い機種と価格帯
    多くのメーカーがWindows PCを提供しており、用途や予算に応じた選択が可能。
  3. AI機能の強化
    最新のWindows 11(23H2)では、AI機能「Copilot」が標準搭載され、業務効率向上に貢献。


  1. Apple製品とのシームレスな連携
    iPhoneやiPad、Apple Watchと連携し、業務の効率化が図れる。
  2. ハードウェアの品質が一定
  3. シンプルな操作性と高い安定性


  1. 低コストで運用可能
  2. クラウドベースで管理が簡単
    Google Workspaceを利用すれば、IT管理の手間を削減できる。
  3. セキュリティが高い



  • 業務で使うソフトウェアの互換性を最優先するならWindows
    企業向けソフトウェアの多くがWindows対応であるため、特定のアプリケーションを使用するならWindows 11が無難な選択肢になります。また、Windows 10のサポート終了を見据え、早めの移行を検討することが重要です。
  • Apple製品を業務で活用しているならmacOS
  • クラウド中心の業務ならChromeOS

Windows 10のサポート終了を見据えた今、最適な選択を

OSの選定は、業務の効率やセキュリティに直結する重要な決定です。特にWindows 10のサポート終了が近づく今、PCのリプレースを検討する絶好の機会です。どのOSを選ぶにせよ、早めの準備が鍵となります。


Windows 10 Support is Ending – Now is the Time to Choose Your OS

The end of support (EOS) for Windows 10 is set for October 14, 2025. As this deadline approaches, many businesses are reviewing their PC environments. In particular, small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) without dedicated IT departments may find themselves needing to select a new OS and replace outdated devices.

When choosing a PC, factors such as specifications, durability, and support services must be considered. However, the first and most crucial decision is which operating system (OS) to use. The three main options for business use today are Windows, macOS, and ChromeOS. These OSs have evolved significantly in recent years, and relying on outdated perceptions when making a decision may not be ideal.

Moreover, new AI-powered features are being integrated into OSs, enhancing work efficiency. With these advancements, selecting the right OS will greatly impact the way we work in the future. Let’s take a closer look at each OS’s latest version and key features to determine the best choice for your business.

Latest Versions and Key Features of Each OS

Here are the latest versions of the major OSs currently available:

  • Windows 11 (23H2)
    Microsoft’s latest OS and the most widely used option in the business world. A major highlight of this version is the integration of “Copilot in Windows,” an AI-powered assistant that helps users with tasks such as launching software and summarizing information, boosting productivity.
  • macOS Sonoma (14.3)
    Apple’s latest OS, featuring improvements such as desktop widgets and enhanced privacy management in Safari. It offers seamless integration with Apple devices, making it an ideal choice for businesses that use iPhones and iPads.
  • ChromeOS (Chrome 120)
    A cloud-based, lightweight OS developed by Google. Designed for web-based applications, it provides a cost-effective and simple-to-manage solution. It also boasts strong security and deep integration with Google Workspace.

Advantages of Each OS

To make an informed decision, let’s summarize the key advantages of each OS:

Windows – The Most Versatile and Widely Used Option

  1. High Market Share and Software Compatibility
    Windows is the dominant OS in the business world, ensuring compatibility with most enterprise software.
  2. Wide Range of Hardware Choices
    Numerous manufacturers offer Windows PCs in various price ranges, allowing businesses to choose based on their needs and budget.
  3. AI-Powered Productivity Features
    The latest Windows 11 (23H2) integrates AI, improving workflow efficiency with features like “Copilot in Windows.”

macOS – Best for Apple Ecosystem Integration

  1. Seamless Integration with Apple Devices
    macOS works effortlessly with iPhones, iPads, and Apple Watches, improving workflow efficiency.
  2. Consistent Hardware Quality
    Since macOS runs exclusively on Apple devices, businesses don’t need to worry about varying hardware specifications.
  3. User-Friendly and Stable Performance
    Apple’s consistent user interface and system stability make macOS a reliable choice.

ChromeOS – A Cost-Effective and Secure Cloud Solution

  1. Affordable and Easy to Manage
    Chromebooks are typically more cost-effective than Windows or Mac devices, reducing IT expenses.
  2. Cloud-Based Simplicity
    Ideal for businesses using Google Workspace, ChromeOS minimizes IT management workload.
  3. Strong Security
    Automatic updates and cloud-based security features ensure a safe and stable environment.

Which OS Should You Choose?

The best OS depends on your company’s needs:

  • Windows is the safest choice if compatibility with business applications is a priority.
    Many enterprise software solutions are designed for Windows, making Windows 11 the go-to option for most companies. Since Windows 10 support is ending soon, upgrading should be a priority.
  • macOS is ideal for businesses that rely on Apple products.
    If your company already uses iPhones and iPads for work, macOS offers the best integration and workflow efficiency. It is also essential for creative professionals and app developers.
  • ChromeOS is the best option for cloud-centric businesses.
    If your company primarily uses web-based applications and wants to minimize IT costs, ChromeOS is an excellent choice. Its simple management and strong security make it a compelling option.

With Windows 10 Support Ending, Now is the Time to Act

Selecting the right OS is a crucial business decision that directly impacts efficiency, security, and long-term IT costs. With Windows 10 support ending soon, now is the perfect time to review and upgrade your company’s PC environment.

And when it comes to disposing of old PCs, S&T has you covered. We provide secure data erasure and fair buyback pricing for corporate PCs. If your business is considering upgrading its devices, contact S&T today for a hassle-free solution.

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