事例のご紹介!急なリクエストにも柔軟対応!運送会社からのパソコン14台引き取りエピソード <Flexible and Prompt Response: A Story of Collecting 14 Computers from a Logistics Company>














At S&T, we specialize in purchasing computers from corporations, earning the trust of numerous clients. Recently, we were tasked with collecting 14 business computers from a logistics company. This case serves as a great example of our ability to respond promptly and flexibly, further strengthening the trust between us and our clients.

Background of the Request

The logistics company first contacted us via email. They had decided to replace their old computers as part of a move to improve operational efficiency. Consequently, they needed to dispose of 14 outdated computers and sought a trustworthy vendor to handle the task, particularly to avoid risks of data leaks.

We immediately conducted a detailed interview with the client to confirm the computer models, specifications, and conditions. Additionally, we coordinated the pick-up location and schedule promptly, assuring the client of the fastest possible service. This quick response provided the client with a great sense of reassurance.

Collection Process on the Day

On the scheduled date and time, our staff visited the logistics company’s office. The 14 computers had been carefully packed in advance, enabling a smooth process. However, the client made an additional request on-site: they wanted us to also collect their LCD monitors.

Although this request was not part of the initial arrangement, we assessed the situation on the spot and decided to accommodate it. There were eight monitors in total, requiring us to adjust our packaging materials and transportation space on short notice. Thanks to the teamwork of our staff, we were able to handle this additional request seamlessly. The client expressed immense gratitude for our flexibility.

Inspection and Reporting of Collected Items

The collected computers and monitors were transported to our facility, where inspection began immediately. Our inspection process involves not only checking the appearance and functionality of the devices but also ensuring thorough data erasure. Data security is our top priority, and we use specialized software that complies with international standards to carry out this task.

Within three days of collection, we provided the client with the inspection results and data erasure certificates. This swift reporting system is one of the hallmarks of our service. The client praised our efficiency, saying they felt secure throughout the process.

Reflections and Future Prospects

This case highlighted the high quality of our services. In particular, our ability to adapt to sudden requests and the speed at which we completed the procedures reassured the client and showcased our strengths.

At S&T, we will continue to meet the diverse needs of our clients and strive to grow as a trusted corporate computer purchasing specialist. We remain committed to delivering prompt and meticulous services to ensure client satisfaction.

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