S&Tが選ばれ続ける理由 ~パート3/4:売却によるメリット~ (Why S&T is the Preferred Choice – Part 3/4: The Benefits of Selling)




1. コスト削減の実現:廃棄費用を抑えるだけでなく、収益化も可能





2. 環境とCSR活動への貢献





3. 専門業者を利用することによる安心感





4. 実例で見る成功事例




Making the Most of Selling Your Company’s Old Computers

When it’s time for a company to dispose of its unused computers, simply throwing them away isn’t the only option. Choosing to sell them instead can unlock a wealth of benefits. Let’s dive into the advantages of leveraging a reliable buyback service for your company’s IT equipment.

1. Cut Costs and Boost Revenue

Reduce Recycling Expenses
Under e-waste regulations, companies may face recycling fees when discarding old computers—sometimes thousands of yen per device. For businesses with large volumes of equipment to dispose of, these costs can quickly add up. However, by selling these devices to a professional buyer, not only can you avoid those fees, but you can also earn money from the sale.

High Demand for High-Performance PCs
Corporate computers and servers are often more powerful than consumer-grade models, making them highly sought after in the secondhand market. The growing popularity of remote work and the rise of startups have further driven demand for affordable, high-performance IT equipment.
With an accurate assessment of your equipment, you could cover disposal costs and even gain unexpected profits.

2. Contribute to the Environment and Strengthen CSR Initiatives

Minimize Environmental Impact through Reuse
Reselling computers instead of discarding them contributes directly to environmental protection. Reusable parts and components can be repurposed for new devices, reducing waste and conserving resources. This aligns with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), fostering a circular economy.

Enhance Your Company’s Reputation
Actively promoting reuse showcases your company’s commitment to corporate social responsibility (CSR). This proactive stance not only avoids the negative effects of improper disposal but also highlights your dedication to building a sustainable society. Such efforts can significantly boost your brand image among customers and business partners.

3. Enjoy Peace of Mind with Professional Services

Eliminate Data Breach Risks
Company computers often store sensitive information, from customer details to confidential internal data. Ensuring this data doesn’t fall into the wrong hands is critical when selling old devices.
At S&T, we use internationally recognized data erasure software to permanently delete all data from your devices. We also provide a “Data Erasure Certificate” for added assurance, giving you complete peace of mind.

Streamline the Process
Working with a professional buyback service means your company doesn’t have to handle the complex steps of computer disposal. S&T offers a seamless, end-to-end service, covering data erasure, equipment appraisal, and device pickup. This reduces the burden on your team and allows them to focus on their core responsibilities.

4. Real-Life Success Stories

Several of our clients at S&T have successfully turned large-scale equipment disposals into profitable ventures. In one case, a company offset the cost of recycling fees and earned enough to partially fund new equipment. These stories highlight the untapped potential of selling old IT assets rather than simply discarding them.

In Summary: Optimize Your Computer Disposal with S&T

When your business needs to dispose of old IT equipment, selling it is far more advantageous than throwing it away. By working with S&T, you can reduce costs, contribute to a greener planet, and even generate revenue—all while ensuring data security.
If your company is considering how best to handle unused computers, we’re here to help. Contact us today to explore your options!

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